THE BULLY IN YOU by Evaristus Ogbechie

Don’t be a fool Learn to be peaceful Stop causing harm to the vulnerable Don’t forget that someday The pain you cause will come your way And worse still, could come back to stay I see many a parent raising demons Rough stones that may never become diamonds Why would anyone want to raise aContinueContinue reading “THE BULLY IN YOU by Evaristus Ogbechie”

A CASE OF UNEQUAL JUSTICE by Evaristus Ogbechie

See them walking by Under the scorching sun of the Nigerian sky The hopeless gaze in their eyes says it all It’s only a question of time before they fall Too many folks out there are grieving I don’t see half as many doing some giving The government should be more present We need religiousContinueContinue reading “A CASE OF UNEQUAL JUSTICE by Evaristus Ogbechie”


The boat accident involving some Nollywood cast and crew members on the Anam river in Anambra state, Nigeria has got everybody wondering what is really happening behind the scenes of Nigeria’s film industry. With two actors and three crew members confirmed dead, it seems there’s no ending to the series of tragedies bedeviling Nollywood. ThisContinueContinue reading “LAWLESSNESS IN OVERDRIVE by Evaristus Ogbechie”

FOOLISH PRIDE by Evaristus Ogbechie

Pride goes before a fall It will make a dwarf feel like he’s ten feet tall Even when in reality he remains so wholly small I can still recall the Biblical account on the Apostle Paul Who had been tormenting Christians as predator Saul So, God first made him to fall And then gave theContinueContinue reading “FOOLISH PRIDE by Evaristus Ogbechie”


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