GRATITUDE by Evaristus Ogbechie

Photo by Andrew Dick on Gratitude is one of the noblest of acts. Showing gratitude in its simplest form, can be expressed by uttering the famous words “Thank you”, in the English language, “Merci” in French, “Grazie” in Italian, “Dalu”, in my native Igbo language, and so on and so forth. This has beenContinueContinue reading “GRATITUDE by Evaristus Ogbechie”

IT’S ABOUT TIME by Evaristus Ogbechie

Photo by Laker on In less than two years, Nigerians will have elected a new executive president to succeed President M. Buhari. Politicians in Nigeria have started making moves towards making sure that their own man will assume that very important office. The two major parties the APC and the PDP seem confused asContinueContinue reading “IT’S ABOUT TIME by Evaristus Ogbechie”

ATTENTI AI LUPI by Evaristus Ogbechie

Siamo all’inizio O forse alla fine Ci prendono in giro, ci guidano come delle pecore al macello Sono tutti in accordo, politici e medici Photo by Dids on Chi ci salvera’, se la stessa chiesa cammina con loro? Ti verrebbe di scappare, ma verso dove? Ormai hanno in mano tutto il pianeta terra AlloraContinueContinue reading “ATTENTI AI LUPI by Evaristus Ogbechie”


Photo by Kasuma on The sudden announcement of the withdrawal of the American forces and those of their allies on their peacekeeping mission in that war torn country, came as a near shock to everyone. The former American administration under Donald Trump, had announced America’s intention to abandon Afghanistan. After about 20 years ofContinueContinue reading “AFGHANISTAN AND NIGERIA, SAME ILLFATED COURSE? by Evaristus Ogbechie”

HOW DEEP IS YOUR LOVE? by Evaristus Ogbechie

“Love is a beautiful thing”. Photo by Arvind shakya on “How deep is your love?” So sang the popular American pop group, the unforgettable BEE GEES. Love is probably the most abused word on earth. People easily confess to be in love, or to love other people, whereas in the actual truth, they doContinueContinue reading “HOW DEEP IS YOUR LOVE? by Evaristus Ogbechie”


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