Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com Christmas is no doubt the greatest festivity the world has known. Even though December 25 cannot for certain to be said to be the day our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was born, there is something about the day that is nothing short of magical. As soon as the monthContinueContinue reading “OUR MATERIALISTIC TENDENCIES by Evaristus Ogbechie”

NIGERIA: THE WAY TO GO by Evaristus Ogbechie

Photo by Emmanuel Ikwuegbu on Pexels.com “Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent”. So goes a popular saying reportedly coined by Mrs. Eleonor Roosevelt, the wife of the late American president. And very truly, a man is looked upon and respected or not, depending on how he carries himself. Most people would desistContinueContinue reading “NIGERIA: THE WAY TO GO by Evaristus Ogbechie”

FEAR IS THE KEY (BULLYING)by Evaristus Ogbechie

Photo by Keira Burton on Pexels.com Have you ever been the victim of bullying? Getting bullied is something I have personally refused to be, since I was a toddler. One way I made sure I didn’t get mistreated by such social miscreants as a kid, was to get them to believe I couldn’t be pushedContinueContinue reading “FEAR IS THE KEY (BULLYING)by Evaristus Ogbechie”


Photo by Misha Voguel on Pexels.com We are living in turbulent times. Every news item you hear is about some bad happening, or some impending disaster. A girl gets raped, someone is so gruesomely murdered so many times without a motive, travelers get attacked by robbers, a government official comes up with some new socioeconomicContinueContinue reading “HUMANITY IS AT DAGGERS DRAWN by Evaristus Ogbechie”


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