WE ARE OUR WORST ENEMIES by Evaristus Ogbechie

The recent assassination attempt on the life of controversial Nigerian pastor, Apostle Suleiman where three policemen and four other people in his convoy were brutally murdered, is the latest in a seemingly endless spate of killings in Nigeria. There is an impression that violence has become a constant in the Nigerian environment. If it’s notContinueContinue reading “WE ARE OUR WORST ENEMIES by Evaristus Ogbechie”

WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON? by Evaristus Ogbechie

Some people are born liars. They have over time, elected not to embrace the truth. In a bid to gain the good things of the world, they would tell you that black is white, and black, red. Politicians easily come to mind in identifying a category of liars. They make promises they know they willContinueContinue reading “WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON? by Evaristus Ogbechie”


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