ON THE OTHER SIDE by Evaristus Ogbechie

Nigeria’s President Tinubu recently signed into law the country’s “Nigeria we hail thee” national anthem. The former national anthem “Arise o compatriots”, had been commissioned by the then Head of state, General Olusegun Obasanjo back in 1978. Many Nigerians have kicked against the new development, arguing that the current economic problems which Nigerians are facing were not caused by the “Arise o compatriots” national anthem. Someone even thinks that Tinubu is only trying to spite his old foe, Obasanjo by removing his name from such a social and patriotic symbol.

Meanwhile, Nigeria’s total foreign debt has risen to 43 billion dollars, putting her total debt situation at about 100 billion dollars. There seems to be no end to the socioeconomic plight of Nigerians since the Tinubu presidency has commenced. There has been a noticeable increase in terrorist acts carried out by Islamic fanatics, even certain places in southern Nigeria. Just last week, a group of Fulani terrorists kidnapped indigenes of Onicha Ugbo in the Aniocha north local government area in Delta state. One of the kidnap victims who escaped the onslaught with machete wounds, recounted his ordeal in a since gone viral video.

Photo by Oladimeji Ajegbile on Pexels.com

In another development, the husband of a woman who was kidnapped still somewhere in Delta state recounted how difficult it was for his family to see their loved one again, after attempts to have the police help find the kidnapped woman had failed. According to the man, several attempts to inform the police of his communications with the kidnappers who were asking for a ten million naira ransom failed woefully. He finally paid 2,5 million naira to the demons, and his wife was released. Why has it become almost impossible to get the police to do their duty in such cases? This dangerous trend has been noticed in another case involving a lady who escaped from a man who was obviously a ritualist and serial killer. The girl had been fortunate enough to escape from the man’s house after being raped and mercilessly tortured by the man and had gone to the police to make a report. Sadly, the police allegedly asked her to pay them a certain sum of money in order for them to investigate the case. The girl told them she couldn’t pay them since the man in question had stolen all the money from her online bank account. Not much later, the man in question was found dead after having murdered two other women in what was yet another case of prostitution meets pure evil.

It is essential to note that all such women who find themselves in such compromising situations, do so mainly driven by the shameful desire to sell sex. Though the obvious failure of the Tinubu presidency to deliver on his election promises so far, is a major cause of the rise in crimes including prostitution in the country, ladies should know that there are ritualists and kidnappers everywhere, nowadays., and people, especially such young ladies, should beware of exposing themselves to danger. One wrong move and you could find yourself falling victim and helpless, on the other side.

Photo by Favour Concepts on Pexels.com
Photo by Varun Dubey on Pexels.com

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