ENOUGH IS ENOUGH by Evaristus Ogbechie

A picture of American singer, Madonna and her adopted child, now a big boy turning into a girl(?), David Banda, got me worrying about the fate of African children who get adopted by Hollywood personalities and other such perverts. I remember having dealt with this sad phenomenon of Hollywood adoptions in Africa before, in another article on this blog. These personalities with their loads of money and their fame, go to certain countries in Africa and purchase infants with the authorities in such places and sometimes the parents of those innocent kids giving their complete consent and blessings to such adoptions clearly for their selfish interests. Little do they know or I would like to add, care to know, of the risks involved, for the children in the future and for the moral development of such kids.

Many people have noticed certain strange and curious occurrences in the lives of many of these adopted kids , especially as it concerns their being recruited into the new Rainbow culture and the LGBTQ movement. Besides Miss Luisa Ciccone popularly known as Madonna, there have been such other adoptions by actresses such as Charlize Theron, Anjelina Jolie, Sandra Bullock and several others. It’s sad to note that in many of these cases, the kids who were originally of one sex have been put in the evil, unwholesome and pitiful route of transgenderism.

Photo by Breston Kenya on Pexels.com

Our people need to understand that it is important not to have one’s moral values suffer in the search for material possessions. Better be a poor boy in an African village with your soul intact, than a rich but soulless one in Hollywood. Does anyone really believe that any of these children who got adopted by these Hollywood weirdos truly and freely choose to change their sexes? I would suggest that such adoptions be discouraged forthwith, if we really care for our children in Africa. Has anyone bothered to ask why those personalities do not adopt as many such poor kids there in the United states instead? It is painful to note that many of those kids sadly end up as players in the pedophilic circles of the American society as sex toys, are sometimes used as organ donors and most importantly will be tomorrow’s LGBTQ rights activists.

As much as everyone should be free to decide for themselves how to live, we should try as much as possible to protect the children. LGBTQ activists should search for their converts from among adult folks and leave the children alone. Enough is enough.

Photo by Git Stephen Gitau on Pexels.com
Photo by Nicholas Githiri on Pexels.com

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