FAME AND MISFORTUNE by Evaristus Ogbechie

They have filled their showbiz cup

Yes, their nefarious game is up

Many will have nothing else left to do now than close shop

There were voices that they’ve been doing wrong

Whispers that got taken as lying tongues

Sad to know that the crimes have gone on for too long

They say that Diddy’s the new Epstein

Probably a lot more callous, vicious, mean

R. Kelly in comparison was just toying with girls in their teens

Photo by Matheus Natan on Pexels.com

Many of their victims were fame and fortune seekers

Who happened to fall into the traps of those heartless fellas

Maybe after a visit to a fortuneteller’s

Gatekeepers faking to be so kind

Folks with nothing but sex on their mind

Causing so much destruction to mankind

They abuse children, women and even men

Confident they have the devil behind them

They abuse, traumatize, and overwhelm

They demand for your soul

Leaving your mind and body empty, broken and cold

Then lock up your spirit in Satan’s dark hole

The music is guaranteed to change tune

And you will find out sometime soon

That you’ve been chasing nothing but fame and misfortune.

Photo by Angela Roma on Pexels.com
Photo by Stephen Audu on Pexels.com

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